Online MCA

Master of Computer Applications

The Master of Computer Applications (MCA) is a postgraduate degree designed to provide students with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in computer science and its applications. The program blends theoretical learning with hands-on experience, preparing students for successful careers in the IT industry.

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Develop Proficiency in Computer Applications

Enhance Problem-Solving and Analytical Skills

Promote Research and Development

Execute Professional and Technical Responsibilities

Awards &



Passed BCA/Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics / BTech CS from a UGC recognized university


2 Years



Course Code Paper Title Course Category Credits
MCAOJCO101T22 Object Oriented Programming with C++ and JAVA CORE 3
MCADBCO102T22 Database Management System CORE 3
MCACGCO103T22 Computer Graphics CORE 3
MCANSCO104T22 Information and Network Security CORE 3
MCAMOVA101T22 Management Process and Organizational behavior with Environmental Ethics VAC 3
MCADSSE101T22 Advance Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis SEC 3
OGE1* OGE1* OGE1 2
MCAOJCO101P22 Object Oriented Programming with C++ and Java Lab CORE 2
MCADBCO102P22 Database Management System CORE 1
MCACGCO103P22 Computer Graphics Lab CORE 1
MCADSSE101P22 Advance Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis Lab SEC 2
Course Code Paper Title Course Category Credits
MCAWTCO201T22 Web Technology CORE 3
MCASECO202T22 Software Engineering CORE 3
MCATCCO203T22 Theory of Computation CORE 3
MCACBCO204T22 Computer Based Optimization Techniques CORE 3
MCAMPCO205T22 Microprocessor & Assembly Language Programming CORE 3
MCAECSE201T22 E-Commerce and Digital Marketing SEC 3
OGE2* OGE2* OGE2 2
MCAWTCO201P22 Web Technology Lab CORE 2
MCASECO202P22 Software Engineering Lab CORE 2
MCAMPCO205P22 Microprocessor Lab CORE 1
MCASMAE201P22 Seminar AEC 1
Course Code Paper Title Course Category Credits
MCACDCO301T22 Compiler Design CORE 3
MCANFCO302T22 .NET Framework and ASP.NET CORE 3
MCAAICO303T22 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning CORE 3
MCAADDS301T22 Advanced Database Concepts DSE 3
MCAITDS302T22 Internet of Things
MCAAPDS303T22 Android Programming
MCABDDS304T22 Big Data Analytics DSE 3
MCAMCDS305T22 Mobile Computing
MCACCDS306T22 Cloud Computing
MCAHCDS307T22 Human Computer Interaction
OGE3* OGE3* OGE3 2
MCAAICO303P22 Artificial Intelligence Lab using Python Lab CORE 1
MCASTCO312P22 Summer Training Presentation CORE 1
MCADBDS301P22 Advanced Database Concepts Lab DSE 2
MCAITDS302P22 Internet of Things Lab
MCAAPDS303P22 Android Programming Lab
MCACSAE301P22 Communication & Soft Skills AEC 1
Course Code Paper Title Course Category Credits
MCAITCO401D22 Industrial Training CORE 20
MCARPCO402P22 Research Paper Publication CORE 5



Program Fees Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Sem 4 Total (INR)
Online MCA 23,750 23,750 23,750 23,750 95,000

Over a decade of excellence

Jaipur National University, Jaipur is one of the top self-financed private university in Rajasthan sponsored by the Mahima Shiksha Samiti. As the best University in Jaipur, JNU offers a unique educational experience across its sprawling green campus in the heart of one of the most beautiful Indian cities, Jaipur.

The University has developed itself into a multi-faculty and multidisciplinary university with proven academic credentials. It provides ample opportunities to its students to move to new heights of excellence in its fourteen years of existence. It creates, upholds, and promotes an ideal academic environment for undergraduate and postgraduate education.