Examination Guidelines

Weightage% A1 (Objective Type) A2 (Subjective Type)
Internals (CIA) 15% 15%
Examination 70%
  • Internal Assignment: Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) will be in form of MCQ type of questions. The internal assessment (CIA) will contribute a maximum of 30 marks for each course.
  • Exam will be comprising of 70 Multiple-Choice Questions (1 Mark Each) – 70 Marks. Online Examination will be held with proctored examination tool technology
Statistical Method for the Award of Relative Grades
Letter Grade Grade point Range of Marks(%)
O (Outstanding) 10 90-100
A+ (Excellent) 9 80-89
A (Very good) 8 70-79
B+ (Good) 7 60-69
B (Above average) 6 50-59
C (Average) 5 40-49
p (Pass) 4 35-39
F (Fail) 0 0-34
Ab (Absent) 0 Absent
CO Core Course MM Maximum Marks
DS Discipline Specific Course MO Marks Obtained
GE Generic Elective Course
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and Semester Grade Point Average
Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA):

It is the summation of product of Credit Points and Grade Points divided by the summation of Credits of all Courses taught in a semester.


Where, Gi is grade and C. is credit for a Course.

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA):

Where, Si is the SGPA of the semester and Ci is the total number of credits in that semester.

The SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to 2 decimal points and reported in the transcripts.